“With nothing you see me” outstanding exhibition at “The Fairest” – art week

by Nancy Huges
"With nothing you see me" outstanding exhibition at "The Fairest" - art week

Last updated on February 25th, 2024 at 04:52 pm

Entering the Kühlhaus at Gleisdreieck in Berlin, you’ll first encounter a room-filling, overwhelming installation by Berlin-based photographer Vitali Gelwich on the first floor. Titled “With nothing you see me,” the installation consists of video loops displayed on nine large screens against a brightly lit white background. The project was produced by Iconcolast Germany and filmed by Long Journey.
Each loop of the video portrays an individual alone in an empty room. The loud laughter of those filmed resonates as sound throughout the space, filling the old factory hall. Gelwich explores the current state of our society, situated between hedonism, utopia, and overconsumption, offering a new perspective on emotions like fear, shame, and humiliation. He encourages viewers to confront this discomfort rather than turning away, which definitely made this exhibition one of the highlights of 2023 art week in Berlin.

This work is part of “The Fairest 02: Get used to this.” In 2021, curators Eleonora Sutter and Georgia Pope established the hybrid curatorial platform as a showcase for young and emerging artists, featuring Gelwich’s work, in collaboration with Iconoclast Germany and Long Journey – as the highlight of this outstanding exhibition.

“The Fairest” presents a diverse mix of performance, video art, and installations. This year’s exhibition spans three floors of the old industrial site Kühlhaus, featuring works from over 20 different artists during the Berlin art week.
“The Fairest 02: Get used to this,” Kühlhaus Berlin, until September 17, 2023.

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