Author: Kim Williams Lindsay Ruiz

Kim Williams is a Vice President of People, Culture & Compliance and a fervent supporter of workplace reform.

Lindsay Ruiz is a Doctor of Education in Organization Development and Change, a Vice President of Transformation and a doctoral research author: A Hidden Virus: Looking for Evidence of Narcissistic Abuse in the Workplace.

Workplace bullying isn’t new or uncommon. It plagues every industry and knows no political affiliation. In fact, many data sources (e.g. this study published in the National Library of Medicine) report that it affects nearly 50 million Americans, prompting much needed national conversation around the way we function at work. As two professionals who have navigated this space for years, we have seen the devastating effects of workplace abuse on people first hand. There was one person who lost six pounds throwing up over the course of three days. There was the other one who stopped just shy of filling…

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